Swan Lake II
"The Four Temperaments", "Sonatine", "Black Swan Pas de Deux", "Swan Lake"
New York City Ballet
David H. Koch Theater
Lincoln Center
New York, New York
February 15 and February 19, matinee, 2022
by Mary Cargill
copyright © 2022 by Mary Cargill
These two performances featured debuts of many of City Ballet's talented young dancers. Some, of course, were more successful than others but all of the dancers, new and old, looked comfortable, confident, and very well rehearsed, especially when dancing in pairs; the dancers seemed to be focused on each other, letting the stage disappear as the audience shared their feelings. The corps too looked sharp, energized, and synchronized, especially in the complex rhythms of "The Four Temperaments".
New York City Ballet dancers in "The Four Temperaments" photo © Paul Kolnik